Coding v/s Programming {Know the Difference}

Aatif Mastan
3 min readDec 23, 2020


Hello there my gorgeous friends on the internet, Grady here bringing back another interesting article on computer topic. I just want you to ask yourself one question. Yeah just one question, “AM I A PROGRAMMER OR A CODER ?” Absolutely both are different from each other in their own respective ways, have their own strengths and weaknesses and whatever else is necessary to make themselves stand out from the crowd.

This doesn’t mean something is better than the other. We cannot simply call something good and the other thing bad because we really do not know the potential of the either thing.

So before starting off with the actual content let us know a small difference between the two. Coding is cross platform and multilingual whereas programming is limited to only one type of system and only one language. A code can be converter into a program however a program cannot be converted into code.


Coding basically is process of writing codes from one language to another. Yeah as I have written above, a code can be written in many languages for example if there is some code written in C language and I want to use it but my system supports only python language then I can rewrite it in python. Codes are mostly open source which is the main reason why they are flexible with different systems and languages, however there are a lot of other reasons too. By coding one can enable and ensure communication between humans and machines. It is still a part of the research but this can be possible with only coding since the codes can be run on any machine.

Coding can also be called as the initial stage of programming because in order to create a program one has to first write a code in a particular language which is the proof for that fact that coding is the building block or the first step of programming. Comparatively it is easier than programming.


So now moving onto programming, it is the process of creating an executable file whose source is written in a specific programming language which takes some input, processes it and delivers a desired output. Programs do not necessarily work on all platforms and are also closed source. By closed source I want to say that the programs written in one language cannot be converted into other language. The most famous example of a program is an operating system. Assuming that the system is stock and not tweaked we cannot install Mac OS on native Windows machine. Because Windows is written in C, Java and Visual Basic whereas Mac OS is is written in Swift, Assembly and Objective-C.

Programming deals with different complex queries and situations such as exception catching and handling them, interacting with system hardware and many more that I really don’t know about. In comparison with coding, programming is very complex and difficult.

So in all the conclusion is that we really cannot say what is good and what is bad. Instead we can select one concept, master it and make ourselves better.

I really appreciate you for reading till this line. I would be very glad if I could get a follow here → @grady.css

